Ecology Journal

Ecology Journal

Ecology Journal

Ecology Journal

Salinity Induced Changes In Growth And Physiology Of Field Crops


ABSTRACT: Salinity is one of the major threats to crop production. It hampers plant growth and development by causing mostly disturbance in water uptake, Na+ and Cl- toxicity, and imbalance in mineral ions in plant cell. Several physiological changes occur as a consequence, such as over production of reactive oxygen substances like peroxide, higher accumulation of toxic ions like Na+ , Cl- and SO4 2-,lowering of absorption of nutrients like K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and P, and decrease in xylem water potential. Seed germination, growth and finally yield of crops are affected. The relatively tolerant crops/varieties of a crop exhibit some physiological tolerance mechanisms like production of antioxidants, various types of protein such as proline, osmoprotectants and phytohormones to combat salt stress effect. Antioxidant enzymes like peroxidase activity increases to defend salt stress, however depending on the cultivars. In this review paper, the effects of salinity on the changes in growth and physiology of different field crops are discussed. The paper also focused on some defensive responses of field crops that adopted to continue their growth under salt stress. 


Keywords: Physiological mechanisms, mineral ions, salt stress